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A Quick Inside look into the Miracle of Gardening

I've been growing food for a long time. Still, even though I have had many years under my belt growing crop after crop, season after season, I still find it hard to shake off the awe and amazement I experience growing food. There's just something awe-inspiring about how you can take one tiny seed, plant it, and eventually nature turns it into a beautiful plant that yields nutritious fresh vegetables or fruit. There is something miraculous about the process-how a wide variety of factors need to line up just so you can have vegetables and fruit on your table.

To maximize the 'wow' factor in your food gardening venture, keep in mind that a lot depends on your choice of seeds. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind.
First, look for seeds of plants you can't buy from the grocery. Exotic fruits and vegetables add a lot of color and mystery to your plate and garden. Break out from the ordinary-try lemon cucumbers, striped tomatoes, purple carrots, among many other fun varieties. Second, grow plants that have their own history. Use heirloom seeds and tap into almost-extinct fruit and vegetable varieties that harken back to a bygone era. Finally, grow plants that allow you to save their seeds. Most modern vegetable and fruit seeds are hybrids. This is intentional-the producer wants you to keep buying their seeds. Instead, buy heirloom seeds that you can plant season after season.