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How to build your own bug box

Why would gardeners want to attract bugs? Not all bugs are harmful. In fact, many of them are quite beneficial. Not only do many bug species help pollinate your plants, they also fight off and eat harmful bugs. Consider beneficial bugs as free garden labor for your little plot of sod. Lacewings, bees, ladybirds, and spiders help any garden remain healthy and vibrant.

The good news is that you don't have to wait passively for these little gardening assistants to report for duty. You can actively recruit them to your garden by building a bug box. Here's how you do it:

Step 1: Build a simple box using treated wood that is around 2cm in thickness. Use four equal lengths of wood for the sides and one square section for the back part. Nail the pieces together but leave the front open.

Step 2: Cut hollow cane plants like bamboo into short pieces and put these in your bux box. If you can't find canes, you can drill holes in pieces of wood or branches. Make sure to vary the sizes of the holes so you can attract different insects.

Step 3: Attach the box to a fence or arch. Make sure to put it in a shaded area.