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Get the most out of stress-free vegetables

Yes, stress-free vegetables are more nutritious, says Dr. Wesley Kline of Rutgers University. That doesn't require they do yoga, Tai Chi, or meditation. Though those practices will likely reduce our stress.

Vegetable gardeners can make the most of their hard work by keeping in mind "three important things," advises Kline, Agriculture Agent for the Rutgers University Cooperative Extension in Cumberland County New Jersey. Choose vitamin-packed vegetables you enjoy. Grow them in healthy conditions.

"First select vegetables you like," Kline encourages. "Then look at what has the most nutritional value. If you like them and they're nutritious, you have a winner!"

Thoughtful gardeners can tip the scale for best quality yield. "Do anything you can do to manage diseases and insects that reduce stress on the plant," urges Kline. "We want plants to be actively growing and getting enough nutrients, not stressed."

Stressed plants have less food value. Under stress, a plant's energy is diverted to survival, fighting diseases and insects. They expend more energy respiring and less energy producing food through photosynthesis.

Find a list op great tips in the blog of Charlotte Kidd on