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5 Lawn care tips

Lisa Garden on 28-10-2021

You have obtained your private slice of the paradise of a garden, with a  lawn providing a safe space to relax in and the option to enjoy the outdoors staying close to your home.

Amazoy Lawns from Zoysia Farms, Work Saver, Time Saver Save over 50%

What a dream come true and all the best for you. But now comes reality: maintenance is an actual bitch. To keep the lawn from looking healthy you will need to put in some work. Today we provide you with 5 lawn care tips to keep the green as green as possible. So read up, take notes and get to it!


Weeding the lawn

Going for that perfectly smooth look for your lawn with the ultimate lounging potential? 

Make sure you keep up with the weeding and pick out anything that is not grass. Some like to work with their hands performing this chore, but there are many tools available to choose from to help you. 


Mow your lawn regularly

Might be an obvious one, but to have a lawn is to mow it. When mowed regularly your lawn will be looking tidy and healthy. It will also prevent the lawn from turning yellow as it will renew itself every time you mow it. Potential sun damage will not be noticeable.


Improve drainage

Water is life, let us never forget this. In order for the grass to grow beautifully green, it needs moisture. In the current season, getting water to the lawn will not be such an issue. But the rain can sometimes be too much for the lawn to take. This is where drainage comes into play. Make sure the water is redirected from your lawn to prevent overwatering and rotting of the grass.


Relieve compacted grass

Within your upkeep duties, there is one more thing to be mentioned. Make sure you relieve compacted grass. If you do this, you will provide more growing space for your lawn and this will leave it looking better distributed and more equal. 


Amazoy Lawns from Zoysia Farms, Work Saver, Time Saver Save over 50%

Feed your lawn

Apart from sunlight and water (and mowing), your lawn requires some nutrition to fully thrive. Invest in the right soil and your lawn will thank you. A compact, bushy looking lawn will smile at you every morning.