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Top 5 pet friendly indoor plants

Lisa Garden on 28-10-2021

Congratulations. You have done it. You have made it to the adult part of life where we settle down and choose to invest in our living space and we take on the responsibilities of caring for living plants and animals. 

To keep them both alive, it is important to note what animals and what plants go together, because some plants can be toxic for animals. 

Today we provide you with a list of  plants that are not toxic and thus safe to leave the cat unsupervised with. 


Chinese fan palm is very pet friendly

Many varieties of palms are safe for all kinds of animals to coexist with. Do note that the Sago Palm is not a real palm and can indeed be véry harmful for animals when ingested. 

The palm has a life span of nearly forty years and can grow forty to sixty inches in length. 


Peperomia watermelon

It’s name tells us a little bit about the looks of this happy little organism. The leaves are characterized by its striped exterior and the colors resemble the colors of the outside of a watermelon. Also without toxic properties, this is a safe buy for when you keep animals in your household.


Bromeliad pineapple

As we’re on the topic of tropical fruits, it seems only right to mention the Bromeliad pineapple plant. This plant actually grows a tiny pineapple . Understandably, it prefers a warm climate. Water the plant thoroughly but no not let the soil get soggy. This bromeliad definitely requires patience, as it can take up to three years before the fruit is ready to be harvested. 


Calathea pinstripe

There are over 300 different types of Calathea plants. While these plants may seem simple in appearance, they do require a bit of tender love and care to keep them in good condition. 

The calathea pinstripe is a great asset to your plant collection as it looks amazing on any decor and even promises to purify the air in your house. 


Ponytail palm

This sweet little baby palm can grow out into a huge tree that can get as high as your ceiling. Even though they are not toxic to them, cats tend to play with the swaying leaves. This may damage the ends and stagnate further growth. So we advise you to place this one strategically.